Gopalan, CF-L2

Physical activity has been a part of my life since a young age. I used to play different sports through my college days with soccer holding a special place in my heart. When I heard about CrossFit, I had no clue what I was getting myself into; but seeing people jumping over boxes, climbing up ropes, walking on their hands and lifting heavy weights all in the same place in a single workout session did intimidate me a bit.

The thing that pushed me towards joining CrossFit Milpitas is the fact that there is a huge community (and not just a coach) to teach and encourage. To push me and keep me accountable for showing up to put in the work every day. Before starting my CrossFit journey here at CFM, I had little to no experience of strength training, Weightlifting or gymnastics. Even more, the viewpoint of relating the term fitness to not only physical appearances but also to mental and psychological well-being was something that I was not aware of.

The years that I have spent here learning about mind-body connection while doing any exercise, having a supportive community for accountability, and learning how to eat healthy are things that have changed my life in ways beyond my imagination. It has helped towards my journey of being a better version of myself.

Now, I would love to share my coaching knowledge and experiences with you all; hoping that our community (of coaches and athletes) here at CFM can help you in your path of being a better version of yourself.